With Hastings 1066fm Radio being structured as a socially focused organisation, we always strive to support local people, businesses, events and the community in general wherever we can, and so build social responsibility into everything we do.
Our mission is:
We support you, you support us, and we pass on the benefits to the community.
Although we don’t offer ‘free advertising’ as such, we do have a range of ‘none cost’ opportunities in place which contribute positively to the local community:
For none profit organisations holding one off events which are not chargeable, we offer our CSA service via rolling community bulletins.
We also cover other local none profit community activities freely with mobile broadcasts to add support to our local area wherever possible.
For private companies and large organisations, of course, whilst we expect you to pay for advertising, we always give you a lot more on top such as interview opportunities and free features, and are always happy to run promos and competitions, all as an added bonus on top of any advertising you may have in place with us.
We are also always open to discussing contra deals, where we can exchange goods / services on a value for value basis, so if you have a good idea, get in touch with us.
We therefore ask that if requesting free publicity in any way, remember this:
If you are paying for advertising elsewhere don’t ask Hastings 1066fm Radio for free exposure.
We always offer competitive rates for additional advertising / sponsorship and will happily give you a lot more exposure on top of this as our way of saying thanks, but unfortunately we have to pay the bills just like anyone else…
We know you wouldn’t purposely attempt to take advantage of our community focused services by ignoring to the above guidelines, after all, that would deny another none profit organisation of their opportunity, and so would be like taking advantage of the community itself, which we are sure you wouldn’t want to do.
If you are representing any organisation and appear on Hastings 1066fm Radio (even by invite) you are automatically declaring that you have read and understood the above, and have the authority of your organisation to do so with adherence to the above guidelines.
So, all we really ask is that you take community responsibility as seriously as we do and stick to the above guidelines.
If in doubt, just ask, as we would like nothing more than for you to join the growing list of organisations who we already provide services for, supporting each other and the local community.
Social Responsibility, it’s in your hands.
Copyright Just 4 U Radio