Select the app you need and follow instructions for downloading and installing on your device. Then search or ask for Hastings Radio!
Download the Get Me Radio! Skill and say, "Alexa, ask Get Me Radio! to play Hastings Radio"
Download the Get Me Radio! Android App and search for Hastings Radio on the Mobile App.
Download the Get Me Radio! iOS App and search for Hastings Radio on the Mobile App.
Download the Get Me Radio! Roku TV App and then search for Hastings Radio.
Download the Get Me Radio! Fire TV App and then search for Hastings Radio.
Download the Get Me Radio! Android TV App and then search for Hastings Radio.
Download the Get Me Radio! Apple TV App and then search for Hastings Radio.
Use the Get Me Radio! Google Home Action and say 'Hey Google, talk to Get Me Radio! and play Hastings Radio.
Launch Hastings Radio in standalone player
What about FM & DAB?
Everyone asks what about FM. Unfortunately in modern times, Ofcom (the government agency which is the radio regulator) is no longer issuing further FM licences as all stations are moving to digital platforms in the near future. Occasionally, Ofcom issues low powered hospital and community radio stations with FM frequencies but these can only be heard for a very very limited short distance, say in the grounds of a hospital or college.
As for DAB, we are keeping our fingers crossed the future as there will be some DAB small scale licenses for our area available, this is something we are now working towards along with other local radio stations, and we feel as they do it is really important to bring wider and more local orientated radio choices and experiences to our area.