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Volunteer With Us

If you’d like to get involved with Hastings 1066FM Radio and become a Hastings Radio volunteer, as a presenter, or something more admin, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will find out all you’ll need to know about getting involved with the fastest growing community radio station around.


Well, you’ve made the first step already by visiting this page. The volunteers at 1066FM Radio are a friendly bunch, all with one thing in common, a unrivalled passion for music, and there’s no reason why you can’t volunteer and be part of the team too.

It’s not all about being on air either, although that’s what most people want. There are lots of other roles you can be involved in. All of the details are here, so if there’s anything which takes your fancy, please get in touch.

Volunteering is a legitimate activity in its own right, but it is not a substitute for paid job

No contract of employement is being created between you and Hastings Radio



You do not need experience to be a presenter on Hastings Radio. We would much rather commitment than expertise. You also wont need to audition, however we may ask that you send in a short sample of how you’ll sound so we can make sure everything is set up correctly and it all sounds great.

Hastings Radio is an online radio station and as such we don’t need dedicated studios which is fantastic as it gives all of our presenters the opportunity to broadcast their shows from the comfort of their own homes. Many have built dedicated studios at home or designated a spare room as their studio.

Ok, so you will need a small amount of equipment and software to be able to broadcast a show on the radio, and the equipment you’ll need depends on whether you plan to pre-record your show, or do it live.

If you’re presenting a show then the only time you need to invest is the physical time it takes you to prepare and produce your show. If you are doing a live show, technically you will only need to commit to your live scheduled slot. All we ask is that if you commit, you keep to your commitment. 

If you’re thinking of doing a non-presenting role within Hastings Radio, then the level of commitment is entirely up to you. 

You can always hang out in the Hastings Radio Admin WhatsApp group too, and get involved in some friendly chat.

Yes. As long as the slot is free you can have a show in there. We do try and keep things as slick as possible though, so would probably not advise putting a heavy metal style show in between a couple of laid back shows. But we’re an easy bunch here at Hastings Radio so will always come up with the best solution for all involved.

This link shows you how to produce your own show, OK so it's not our station but why reinvent the wheel.

The link is  /how-to-record-a-show

You will see how easy it is!

Request a shout out!

Fancy a shout-out for yourself, a friend or a loved one? Simply email your request directly to the studio


Fully Licenced Station

PRSPPL licenced Hastings 1066fm is licenced to play recorded music by PRS & PPL, ensuring artists get paid for the use of their music.

Your Radio Station

Hastings 1066FM Radio is on your smart speaker, online East Sussex  and all around the world. We are here as your voice in the community.  Please let us know what you think and if you would like to get involved, please contact us.

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